Earlier, let us adjust INDEPENDENT FINANCIAL first definition.Financial freedom is a position where our monthly passive income greater than our monthly expenses ..Rich is the position where our monthly Passive Income MUCH BIGGER, from our monthly expenses, and be able to finance our lifestyles.So, when you see there are rich people who earn most of the active RESULT OF WORK (work for others). despite abundant wealth, but he has not entered the category of financial freedom, because when she can not work, or for example illness, or death at worst, it will go bankrupt, and his family could be neglected.In contrast to passive income if we have, when we are sick, or even worst death, the monthly income would not be disturbed at all. This is true wealth.Well, the question is how the easiest and quickest way to achieve financial freedom conditions. The following I describe the mindset of the poor, middle and rich ...1. The mindset of the Poor:(poor people do not have a passive income)Income from work is collected to buy the desire, they never saved, even if the saving yes desire to buy goods ... At the time of old age, which is owned by these types of people, goods Yes.2. The mindset of the medium:(the medium has passive income, but not much)Active or passive income from the middle class to buy items that they think are assets ... Its assets the middle is a car, a house occupied, or vacant land .. the assets are actually not an asset if it is not rented out, because it does not produce passive income ..3. The mindset of the Rich:(real rich people, most wealth is generated from Passive)True wealthy people do have active and passive Income .. rich people invest in areas that provide passive income such as boarding houses, stock dividend (profit sharing), etc. The rich will only expenditure item of passive incomenya desire.This mindset explains why the poor poorer, the rich richer .. wherever your current position, into the kayak indeed very easy if we know the formula.Indeed, at this time I can be said to be good because I have an investment with excellent returns, which could finance my lifestyle. I invest in many fields, properties, shares, clashfx, and business (mine gem).But why I recommend clashfx to you, Because of clashfxlah a successful Afandi was born, the investment is right the first time I did was in clashfx, I remember very well in 2011 I sold my land and gold bullion to invest in clashfx.because I know, land and gold does not provide passive income for me, and if I go on like that, there I will work for the rest of my lifeMy strategy, of Profit clashfx I was again traded gold more and more property and nice, even bonuses can I buy the company's shares added gems, plus all I get are from my clashfx passive income.I'm not saying other investments was ugly, even ditiap ground coffee with a senior member, I always say do not forget to invest in property and businesses ... because for me, investment properties and businesses is a necessity, Property for passive income and place of residence, if the Business to wealthy plus prestige .. Imagine when asked of people, then you say "I've got some company in jakarta".once again, I actually recommend investing elsewhere, I did so, but it all started from clashfx, and I also gained already done so.of the many post email this time, it is not my intention to show off, yet there is no real need to show off the rich wealth. My intention is to motivate you, and show you the quickest way that I take to be like now.I've written my success story, and share it.Start when you will write yours? I wait for ya."The good news is that success is easy, just follow the people who are already successful in the field, the bad news is, only a small percentage of people who want to follow him"

RG : Lingga Wiratmaja
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